We watched my niece Hazel for 8 days at the beginning of April while my younger sister was in China. Watching and caring for two toddlers who haven't spent much time together was not an easy task. I think at some point all of us with the exception of Andy cried tears of frustration. I am glad my sister was able to go on this once in a lifetime trip and that we were able to get to know Hazel better. (Note: It was while Hazel was here that my morning sickness started, not good timing).
Hazel. |
The other big thing that happened this month was that the front of our house got a facelift. The former homeowners had taken out all the vegetation and put in a bunch of river rock because their cat liked to poop in the flower beds. The rock was ugly and our house was in desperate need of some curb appeal.
Before. |
Our neighbor was going to take all of the rock but never got around to it. We ended up shoveling as much of it as would could each week into our garbage can until it was all gone. We laid down a weed barrier, brought in top soil, Andy dug over 30 holes in the clay and shale, we put down a bunch of dark beauty bark and planted some grass seed. We are so pleased with the results.
During. |
After. |
The other big highlight was Bubba participated in his first Easter egg hunt. It was so fun to watch him run and drop each egg in his little basket, I'm so glad we took him! (Note: Andy made that basket in his underwater basket weaving class in college, Bubba uses it almost everyday to collect our chickens eggs).