Bubba, We flew out to Utah midweek to celebrate the holidays with
some of our extended family. We flew from Eugene to Portland and
Portland to Salt Lake City. You did well on both flights, having a
layover though made for a long day.
Some friends brought a nativity over for you, you love it! |
We took the train from the airport to get to Nana and Papa's house-- first train ride for you.
Watching the moving walkway at the airport. |
On the train with a very tired Mommy. |
Dental floss. |
went to see the lights on Temple Square with Brittany. The lights were
really pretty! Even just walking around the temple grounds you could
feel the spirit. Living so far away from a temple made this experience
all that much sweeter.
All bundled up to see the lights. |
Cousin Brittany, Mommy, Bubba & Daddy. |
We had a hard time getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time. |
We grabbed a bite to eat at Cafe
Rio after looking at the lights. I forgot how much I love Cafe Rio! You
enjoyed it too little one.
Cream of wheat with blackberries for the win! |
Playing with a glove at the doctors office. |
One day you discovered the
stairs. All you seemed to want to do this week is go up the stairs and
down the stairs. I am crossing my fingers that you don't take a tumble
down the stairs.
Each time the photographer squeaked her squeaky toy to get you to smile, you frowned-- it was awesome! |
And you cut another tooth this week
on the bottom. That makes four teeth you for you. I can't believe how
fast you are growing up!