It's been cold here, so we continued to spend time indoors. There were a few days though where we were able to sneak out and go on a short walk.
We worked on sending out the last of our Christmas cards and prepared to fly to Utah for Christmas.
You love toilets! |
Daddy and I did sneak out on a date though to go see the movie
Wonder. The movie was really good. Daddy loved it! He cried like a baby, he said he had never cried so much during a movie before. Miss Aubri watched you and you were so good for her!
You decided to draw on your forehead. |
We played with fake mustaches one evening, you kept ripping Mommy's off. |
And everything at home has started to break: the flanges on both of our toilets broke, the light switch to our ceiling fan started making funny noises and smelt like it was burning and you broke your dresser draw. We are on a roll. Hopefully nothing else brakes.
Opening things is your favorite! |
We love you little one!