This week was a rough one for all of us, we have all been sick. Daddy stayed home sick from work for three days. Daddy and I took turns sleeping, this illness makes us incredibly tired. We are praying that we get feeling better soon.
Playing "tickle" with Mommy. |
When your uncle leaves his underwear at your house, this is what happens. |
We did do one thing that was fun though, we went on a haunted hayride. Don't worry, you did great Buddy! You even made friends with a little girl dressed as a sparkly unicorn, you kept smiling at her, it was super cute to watch!
A tired little bug. |
As far as development goes, you have started walking along furniture- tables, chests, nightstands, etc. You have also figured out how to walk while pushing a chair. You are one smart little boy!
We discovered you love pickles! |
Our street. Love this view! |