One day while attempting to put you down for a nap, I couldn't help but notice that you were trying to pull yourself up in your crib. Daddy lowered your mattress and his timing couldn't have been better, two days later I caught you standing up in your crib. As soon as I walked in the door, you fell over and hit your head of the crib. I'm sorry I startled you.
Wednesday night you hung out with the Crooks so Daddy and I could go on a date. You enjoyed your time at the Crooks and we mostly enjoyed our date. We decided to go rock climbing, it had been years since we climbed so we took a refresher course and then hit the wall. Daddy made a final trip up the wall and as I was belaying him down my hand got caught in the belay device.
I felt the pain instantly and knew what had happened. The pain was so intense that I couldn't call out or look down at my hand. I tried to yank hard on the rope to get some slack in the line, but it didn't work. Luckily one of the employees saw what had happened and she ran over and yanked on the rope. It took two employees yanking on the rope to get my hand out. I lost several layers of skin, my hand swelled up, it bled and it bruised. I cried a little bit, but that is to be expected. I am so grateful that the injury wasn't worse and that I didn't have to make a trip to the hospital. More importantly, I grateful I still have my hand.
You started saying "Mama" on Thursday night while we were at the consignment sale we like to go to every six months. Yay! You know my name.
That face. |
You hate the swings. Every time I put you in the swing you scream bloody murder. |
Saturday, we spent the day working on projects around the house. We made a trip across the street to visit the neighbors and their dog Marnie (this is something we do almost daily). To my surprise you started saying "Og" I think that is your way of saying dog. You said "Og" about four times, each time we were either near Marnie or going to see Marnie. Your face lights up every time you see her, I think she is your adopted puppy dog. She gets so excited each time she sees you too!
Riding in your hamper car. |
You just love that bat. |
Mommy!!!! (Yes, you were crying and I took a picture) |
First time seeing bubbles. |
Sunday morning we went on a family walk before hopping in the car and heading to Dallas. My cousin Cooper came home from his mission in Alaska and we went up to hear his homecoming talk. You did so good during church! It was so good to see family and catch up! I can't believe it has been two years since Cooper left, I remember going to his farewell like it was yesterday. It's crazy how fast time passes.