My sweet little boy, I just love you! I look at photos of you on my phone and it makes me sad because you are growing up far too quickly. Before I know it you will be starting Kindergarten, going on a mission, getting married, graduating college and starting a family of your own. I can't believe how fast time seems to go by. Time is a funny thing-- my body has aged some but I don't feel much older than my 16 year old self. Someday you will understand. My hope for you is that you will savor and relish each day on this Earth. Each day we are given is truly a gift from God.
A cute little foot. |
A tiny little hand. |
This past week was fun! Our orthodontist rented out one of the miniature golf courses in town. We went and ate pizza and snow cones, played mini golf with our friend Cassie and her boys (Daddy won), I won a gift card in the raffle and we took photos in the photo booth. This was your first time playing mini golf and taking photos in a photo booth. You didn't mind mini golf, the photo booth was a bit of a challenge though-- don't worry though, we managed to get a few cute photos!
This photo is a little blurry, but it is one of my absolute favorites. |
The next night we went swimming at the Amazon Pool thanks to our chiropractor, he rented the entire place out. The pool is outside and it got really cold really fast so we didn't stay too long, but you sure loved the water. We took you out of your float toy so you weren't half way in the water and half out of the water. You kicked and splashed and tried to put your face in the water. It was so much fun to watch you! I think we are going to have to sign you up for swimming lessons in the near future.
When Daddy gets you dressed, you never know what you'll end up wearing. |
As far as your development goes not too much changed this week. You still like to roll and sit up. You are starting to get into the crawling position, but haven't figured out how to move forward or backwards. You can turn in circles though on the hardwood floor.