June 21, 2016


Sometimes life is hard and I think that is to be expected. I don't mind having a hard time hear and there, it's during the hard times I feel like I learn and grow the most. But, I think I may have jinxed myself a few months ago. Andy and I were driving one day and talking about life. I mentioned that aside from a few challenges that have been going on for several years now that I felt like life was pretty good. I should have just kept my mouth shut, I think that was the Lord's queue that I needed to experience some more trials. Boy, He sure does have a sense of humor.

I don't want to share all the details of my trials but they sure have been coming down lately. By coming down I mean, some crazy trial happens, I begin to come to terms with it in about 24 hours. 48 hours later another crazy trial begins. This has been the story of my life for about the past six weeks (medical issues, car problems, house problems, job scares, family problems and the list goes on). It's crazy! I haven't had a ton of time to process everything and I am somewhat confused as to what I am supposed to be learning from everything. This much I do know: trials help us learn and grow, we wouldn't enjoy the good times as much if we didn't experience that bad times, prayer works, peace can be found in the temple and through gospel study (scriptures, Ensign, etc.), it's important to try and keep a positive attitude, fresh air and exercise help clear the mind.

"Tough times don't last, but tough people do."