I had planned to go to Time Out For Women up in Portland with some lovely ladies and put in a time off request at work for part of Friday. As the date for Time Out For Women approached, I was informed that the others women I was planning on attending with wouldn't be able to make it for one reason or another. I was a little disappointed, but I know I will have other opportunities to attend TOFW in the future.
Since, I was already approved to take part of Friday off, I figured I might as well take it off. It's not very often that I get a day off from work. Think of all the stuff I could accomplish with a free afternoon. What did I do when I got home? I took a nice long nap and then I went to the gym with Andy. That pretty much sums Friday up.
We tried a new pancake recipe and it was a failure. The recipe was for pancakes made with coconut flour, they didn't have a lot of flavor and they were gritty. At least the scrambled eggs I made tasted great!
After breakfast we headed over to the Family History Center. I have been working on my family history lately and ran into some hurdles. The lady that helped us was awesome and we learned some really neat stuff. Neat as in, my great grandpa went to jail. Yes, jail. We don't know why he was in jail but it looks like he was about 15 years old at the time and spent five years there. Thank you cenus record!
We will likely be going back to the Family History Center in the near future to work through some more stuff. Did I mention that I really love family history? For me, it's like solving a family mystery and I find it enjoyable.
Then we grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the Cascade Raptor Center. We have been wanting to visit the raptor center for some time now and are glad we were finally able to do so. The raptor center helps rehabilitate birds that have been injured and then they release them back into the wild. If for some reason a bird is unable to be released, they house the birds.
We found Hedwig! |
Andy & I. |
The Face. |
Me & Andy. |
Hoot hoot! |
What a goof! |
The birds we saw were the ones that weren't suitable to be released. Some were missing an eye, blind, or unable to fly. Each bird had it's story posted outside of its pen, some of the stories were really sad. I'm so glad that the raptor center is there to help take care of these beautiful and majestic birds.
The owls were probably my favorite.
Check out those feathers! |
I told Andy that I wanted to cuddle this guy, he looked so fluffy and soft. His feathers reminded me of spider webs. Did I mention that I really like birds? I do.
Our next stop was the thrift store. On our way to the thrift store we saw a guy trying to steal a car, that was a first.
The thrift store was lacking in awesome finds this weekend. I did manage to find myself a badly needed exercise shirt. I picked up what looked like a brand new Adidas top for $3.99, you can't beat that price.
Then we headed home, it was about 5:30 pm and I was whipped. I could have fallen asleep right then, but I know I would have woken up in the middle of the night. I forced myself to stay awake until my normal bed time.
Andy suggested that we watch a movie called
God's Not Dead. My co-worker had talked to me about this movie recently and it sounded really good so I obliged. The movie was really good. Definitely worth watching at least once.
We went to church and all of the meetings were really good as usual. I think the most poignant thought for the day had to do with puzzles and testimonies. When you build a puzzle and you can't figure out what to do with a particular piece, what do you do with that piece? Do you throw it away? No, you set it aside and come back and work on it later. The same is true with the gospel. We don't know all the answers and sometimes the answers don't come when we want them to. Instead of saying God won't answer my prayers or I can't find the answer to this question, we should set that "puzzle piece" aside and come back to it later. Just because you don't have a testimony of a specific principle or teaching doesn't mean that you don't have a testimony, it just means you don't have a testimony of that one principle yet. Testimonies don't happen over night, they take time, just like building a puzzle takes time.
After church, we took the rest of the day easy. Part of what I love about Sundays is being able to rest and relax.