October 1, 2015

Thursday Thought

I just love Thursdays! Don't you? Thursday mean that I get a chance to share what's been on my mind. Thursday also means that there is only one work day before I get to chill with my husband for the weekend. And well, weekends with my husband are always the BEST!

Fall is upon us and it seems like a lot of people are back in school. It's weird to be done with college and not in school. For some reason whenever I see school supplies for sale and when the weather starts to charge, I just itch to be back in school and running cross country. I have fond memories of being in the classroom learning and out running on the trails after school.

I have been thinking a lot about education. President Hinckley once said, "You must get all the education that you possibly can." He also said, "Education unlocks the door of opportunities. You will rise according to your education. Work at it. Sacrifice for it. Do it. Pray about it, and the Lord will bless you. You will see yourselves rise and become men and women of strength and capacity."

With these thoughts in mind, I think it is important to keep learning. Learning doesn't just end when you step outside of the classroom or get a diploma. Learning is a lifelong process. And the knowledge we gain in this life, is one of the few things we take with us when we die.

If I could go back and redo college would I study Exercise Science again? Likely. But, I would probably declare a minor as well and maybe go on to grad school (who knows, that may still happen).

Since I graduated I have fallen in love with nutrition and I have an interest in dietetics. I read about various topics in these two areas, frequently and I feel like I have learned a lot.

I guess what I am trying to say is, learning doesn't have to be in a classroom. If there is something you are interested in learning more about, by all means learn about it. Read journals and scholarly articles. Check out books from your local library- you may be amazed at the selection you find.

I recently wanted to learn more about a particular disease, so I went to the library and checked out a monster sized pile of books. I have been eating these books up like candy. I have learned a ton! I can't wait to finish the book am on, so I can start the next one.

Keep your mind sharp and keep yourself educated. Now go find a good book to read and read it! Maybe throw on some pj's and enjoy indulging in your new found friend.

Carpe Diem!