Andy spent several days up fishing in Alaska. I knew he would be flying back into Washington sometime over the weekend, but didn't know what day or time (one of the perks of flying standby). I had really been wanting to make a trip home and the fair was going to be going on, so that was a little more incentive for me to go up.
I got off work a little early and spent more time than I would have liked to driving home. Getting stuck in Portland traffic is the worst! I think it is comparable to Seattle rush hour.
On my way up, I drove past a chicken walking on the shoulder of I-5, I literally laughed out loud. When I was about an hour away from home, I called my sister and she asked me to stop by and see her new place. She even offered to make me dinner, she is an amazing cook so I couldn't turn her down.
When I arrived, she was waiting for me on the front porch with a kitten. We weren't sure who the kitten belonged to, but it walked right in the front door when she opened it to let me in. It was funny! The kitty made itself right at home, by jumping up onto the kitchen table and counter tops. We named it Bentley because its tail was bent at the end.
Sadie cooked me a steak and steamed veggies for dinner, it was amazing! We hung out and talked for several hours.
Her new place is cute and is the perfect size for her!
It was getting late and I was supposed to have a sleep over with my other sister, so I decided I should probably head out. As I was driving down the highway, two state troopers past me headed the other direction (towards I-5). As I approached the next on/off ramp I couldn't help but notice several cops with their lights on. At this point I started thinking, "Something big must be going on". I happened to glance in my review mirror and saw a long line of flashing lights, way down the road. It seemed as though they were headed to I-5. Now, I was starting to think, "Something really big is going on."
A minute or so later a dark car came flying up on my side followed by a long line of cops with their lights flashing. I quickly pulled over and waited for the line of cops to pass. I would guess their were 20-30 state troopers. I attempted to pull back onto the highway about 3-4 times only to have to pull back over because another line of cops came flying past.
Eventually, I was able to get back on the road. As I was driving I couldn't help but notice cops blocking all of the on ramps, I was passing. Something huge was going on and somehow I managed to be caught in the middle of it.
I proceeded to drive toward my sisters house and hopped onto another highway. As I came around a bend in the road, traffic came to a complete stop. By complete stop, I mean put your car in park and turn it off cause it's going to be awhile. I sat there for a good 20 minutes or so before the traffic started to move.
As luck would have it, the high speed chase ended on this other highway that I was on. I'm not sure what happened but the car looked like it had crashed and the cops had it surrounded. I tried to look the chase up on the news the next day, but couldn't find any information on it.
I am so grateful that I was kept safe that night and that I didn't end up getting hurt in the chase. I know the Lord is aware of me and he watches and protects me.
Saturday Megan, Mom, Daniel, and I went to the Puyallup Fair. Sadie was supposed to join us, but she woke up too late. I loved looking at all of the animals and eating the fattening fair food. The only time, I really eat corn dogs is at the fair. Mmm Krusty Pups, they are serious so good! I ate so much food, even Andy was surprised when I told him. It's a wonder I didn't get sick.
Cows. |
Piglets. |
Goats. |
Poop! |
Flower Man on stilts. |
Daniel, Megan & Me. |
The Face. |
Megan & Me. |
Big lips and the face. |
Megan, Mom, & Me. |
Something about the fair just makes me happy inside. Maybe it's all those childhood and teenage memories of time spent at the fair. Or it could be all the cute baby animals.
I wish we had had more time a the fair to look at all of the art and floral exhibits. Maybe next year.
The rest of the evening was spent with my sister's and their boyfriends. We ate yummy Zuppa Tuscano Soup that Sadie made and I made a huge salad. We played games, talked a lot, looked at old childhood photos, laughed a ton and stayed up later than I would like to admit watching the Cokeville Miracle. Which has fast become one of my favorite movies.
Sadie playing the air keyboard. |
My sister offered to let me sleep in her bed, she claims she actually likes sleeping on the floor. What a nice sister, huh? When we woke up in the morning we just talked. It was like when we were teenagers. She would come in my room in the morning, sit in my beanbag chair and we would just talk. Then we headed to Daniel's and went on a four mile walk.
After our walk she headed to church and I went to pick up my husband. It was so good to see him! We quickly loaded up his stuff and hit the road and made the five hour drive back to Eugene.