When we moved to Oregon, we left some of our best friends behind in Utah. Our friends are one of the things we miss most about Utah. As we were getting ready to part ways, we talked with Trent and Kirsten about getting together at Christmas time as they would be in California for the holidays.
Somehow luck was on our side and our schedules all aligned perfectly and we were able to spend several days with our friends. We all got together New Years Eve and rang in 2015 in a
tree house, yes you read that right, a tree house!
The tree houses are about 30-40 feet above the ground and are connected by a series of swinging bridges. The tree houses have power and running water. When someone walks on the bridges, you get the feeling you are in a boat because the tree house starts to sway.
Looking up at the tree houses. |
View from our front door. |
The lodge -- check out that moss! |
Picnic tables. |
The tree houses were really cool and Andy and I really enjoyed them that is until our water froze and the power went out. Did I mention it was 25 degrees out?
The water freezing wasn't too bad. Who needs showers right?
The next morning though there was a power surge in the lodge and the toaster caught on fire and the fridge started smoking. Next thing we knew, our heaters and lights shut off. No heat and cold temperatures made for a very cold morning.
We spent the morning swinging on giant swings, playing frisbee golf, ziplining, and trying to keep from freezing.
Dancing to stay warm. |
Me, Andy, Tanner & Trent. |
Me & Andy. |
Trent & Andy -- they are brothers at heart. |
Tanner & Kirsten. |
Andy & Trent. |
Tanner & Andy -- Tanner loved the frisbees. |
Overall we enjoyed our time at the treesort. Would we do it again? In the winter? No. In the summer? Maybe, it's a lot more expensive to stay there in the summer.