The day after 4th of July the boys (Dad, Jake, Andy, Russell, and Mike) went fishing at a high mountain lake. Andy said the hike in was really steep. They caught a lot of fish (Andy caught 16 by himself) but the fish were small so they let most of them go.
Isn't it just beautiful? |
Andy, Russell, Mike, & Jake. |
Jake doing his thing. |
For lunch the boys ate chilli dog, this is kind of tradition.
Isn't he just cute? |
Isn't he cute too? Love them both! |
Russell spent the majority of the day teaching himself how to cast. I can't say I know any other 5 year olds who know how to cast, this boy is impressive! He caught two small fish and was very proud of himself. Naturally, they had to keep his fish.
Andy with Russell in the background learning to cast. |
He caught not only 1 but 2. |
So proud of his fish. |
It has teeth. |
Doing what fisherman do best. |
So focused. |
While the boys were out fishing I went thrift shopping up in Ballard with my Mom and sisters, we got some awesome deals! I managed to snag a brand new pair of $100+ shoes for $20.00 for Andy. The shoes fit his feet perfectly and he loves them. Brendan kept trying to convince him to let him have them instead. I guess I have good taste.
After we got done thrifting we decided to get some lunch at a small hole in the wall Mexican joint called Senor Moose Cafe. The food was pretty good. Mostly though I just enjoyed spending time with the girls.
Our next stop was Alki Beach. Somehow despite growing up in Washington I had never been to Alki Beach before. I know what's wrong with me, right?
Me. |
Sadie & Megan. |
Megan & Sadie. |
Me-- Looking for crabs and beach glass. |
I think I have the prettiest sisters. |
We walked down the beach for a little while and helped my Mom collect driftwood for one of her projects.
On our way home I really needed to use the bathroom so we stopped at a Burger King. As I walked into the stall I couldn't help but notice that someone had pooped on the floor. I was disgusted! I always knew there was a reason I didn't like public bathrooms.
The next day we went to church before heading home. As we were getting ready for church Russell came out wearing socks, a tie and underwear. I took a photo of him and he told me to send it to Jacob, Sadie, and Megan. He was very proud of his picture. I'm pretty sure his picture made all of us laugh. I'm going to spare him this time by not putting that photo up.